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David Baird
Trish Beckham
Eleanor Blair
Adra Brown
Aldo Cherres
Caesar Cirigliano
Sally Cooper
Gary Denmark
Salvador Di Quinzio
Caterina Enni
Aida Fry
Barbara Icyda
Sara Lerner
Roberta B. Marks
Bruce Marsh
Heather McAlpine
Melanie Peter
Jussi Pöyhönen
Marc Rubin
Paula Rubino
Howard Schafer
Peter Schroth
Tom Stephens
Ron Trujillo
Josette Urso
Susan Van Cleve
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Heather McAlpine
Lake-Shore #7
48 x 66 in. acrylic on canvas
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Land and Sea #3
72 x 42' in. acrylic on canvas
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